Our Meetings

The BSCR organises two meetings a year – a late Spring 'new frontiers in cardiovascular science' meeting, held jointly with the British Atherosclerosis Society at the BCS annual conference in Manchester, and a more focused Autumn meeting.

At these meetings, communications are invited from members of the Society as a poster or oral presentations. Meeting abstracts are published in Heart. The engagement of students and early career researchers is particularly encouraged and these meetings aim to provide a friendly forum for discussion of their work. Student members of the Society are eligible to receive travel bursaries to facilitate their attendance at BSCR main meetings (details can be found on the individual meeting pages).

The annual Bernard and Joan Marshall Research Prizes are also presented at our Autumn meeting. This page provides links to meetings either organised solely by the BSCR or jointly with other societies and organisations. We also highlight other cardiovascular meetings which may be of interest to our membership. If you would like to advertise your cardiovascular meeting on this page, please email the Secretary with relevant details which may include a weblink and attachment.

Past Meetings

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